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In the year 2000 we started a new range of products: diagnostic and measurement tools for elevators. With our products
we would like to support elevator companies in their daily work, by helping them to maintain a good quality level in spite of decreasing prices for elevators.
For us it is essential to develop simple and safe products, wich are easy in handling.
Je umfassender die Instandhaltungsstrategie und der Anspruch an sie wird, desto ausgeprägter wird auch die Bedeutung des Condition Monitoring. Auf dem Weg zur höchstmöglichen Anlageneffizienz kann Condition Monitoring auf unterschiedliche Weisen unterstützen.
MultiRope Kategorie
- very attractive price-performance ratio
- simple mounting
- integrated evaluation unit
- besonders attraktives Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis
- einfache Montage
- drei Sensortypen für maximale Lasten
- 2 frei programmierbare Ausgangsrelais
- Integrierte Auswerteeinheit
- Kompensation von Ausgleichsketten und Seilgewichten bei Mehrfachaufhängung

Die komplett neu entwickelten Lastmess-Sensoren LS-Light runden die bestehende Produktpalette der Henning Lastmess-Systeme im preisgünstigen Segment ab.

WeightWatcher AE12
no weights necessary for calibration
suitable for use with different rope diameters and types
increased lifetime of ropes because of equal rope tension
monitoring of rope tension and slack rope alarm
MSM12 V3
simple weight determination of car and counterweight
time saving rope tension setting
stores up to 100 measurements for documentation
suitable for use with different rope diameters and types
Kabinenlicht-Abschaltung im Stillstand ohne Eingriffe in die Aufzugselektronik
The multimeter for ride profiles
The RIDEanaylzer is a novel measuring unit with an intuitive operating concept allowing lift rides to be measured an analysed in a comfortable and fast manner.
The easy-to-use unit combines measuring sensors and evaluation unit in one robust plastic casing.
Beschleunigungssensor QS2
LiftPC Mobile Diagnosis is a powerful measuring system of modular structure for mobile and flexible measurement of per-formance and ride quality of lifts. Performance data and ride quality of the lift to the ISO 18738 and GB/T10058-1997 standards can be precisely determined. LiftPC Mobile Diagnosis can be used both for traction and hydraulic lifts.
The first step to install an elevator is the examination of the shaft to detect the optimal position of the guide rails and the shaft doors. Therefore we are offering measuring instruments.